1930 motorcycle models

1930 Motorcycle models

Specs, pictures and rating for all 1930 motorcycle models

Motorcycle catalog with all 1930 models. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. Click here to view an old paper style 1930 motorcycle catalog where you can page through bikes with pictures.

Please tell us about any 1930 bikes not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be grateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

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1930 motorcycle modelsRatingCategoryEngine
BMW R 16-Custom/cruiser736 ccm
BMW R 16 series 1-Custom/cruiser736 ccm
BMW R11 Series 1-Allround745 ccm
BMW R11 Series 2-Allround745 ccm
BMW R57-Allround494 ccm
DKW E 200-Sport199 ccm
DKW Schüttoff JS 500-Allround498 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model B-Sport346 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model BA-Allround344 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model C-Allround743 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model DL-Sport743 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model S-Enduro/offroad345 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model V-Custom/cruiser1213 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model VL-Custom/cruiser1213 ccm
Henderson KJ Streamline-Allround1301 ccm
Indian 101 Scout-Allround750 ccm
Indian 402-Allround1265 ccm
Indian Chief-Custom/cruiser1210 ccm
Magnat Debon 350 BST-Allround350 ccm
Norton 490 CS 1-Allround490 ccm
NSU 201TShow ratingSport199 ccm
NSU 201TS-Sport199 ccm
NSU 301T-Sport298 ccm
NSU 301TS-Sport298 ccm
NSU 351TS-Sport346 ccm
NSU 501 SS-Sport494 ccm
NSU 501 TS-Allround494 ccm
NSU 601 TS-Allround592 ccm
Rudge Ulster 500-Sport499 ccm
Scott Super Squirrel-Sport596 ccm
Sunbeam 95L Special-Sport493 ccm
Terrot HST-Allround346 ccm