Unit calculators

Unit converters for motorcycle specs

Unit converters for motorcycle engine size, power, physical sizes, fuel consumption, etc.

Use the following calculators to convert motorcycle and car related units:

Power calculatorPower converter
     (e.g. horsepower, kW)

Torque calculatorTorque converter
     (e.g. Nm, Ft.Lbs.)

Speed calculatorSpeed converter
     (e.g. km/h, mph)

Distance calculatorDistance converter
     (e.g. mm, km, mile, inches)

Fuel consumption calculatorFuel consumption converter
     (e.g. miles per gallon, litres per km)

Liquid capacity calculatorLiquid capacity converter
     (e.g. ccm, cubic inches, litres, gallons)

Weight calculatorWeight converter
     (e.g. kg, pounds)

Tyre pressure calculatorTyre pressure converter
     (e.g. BAR, PSI, kPa)

CO2 emission calculatorCO2 emission converter
     (e.g. mpg, litre per 100 km, CO2 g/km)


Bikez.com is not responsible for any possible incorrect conversions performed anywhere on the site. All conversions and calculations on this site are done in good faith, assuming that conversion rules provided us are correct. Still we would very much like to hear if our calculations are wrong, so don't hesitate to contact us if you discover any errors.