1943 motorcycle models

1943 Motorcycle models

Specs, pictures and rating for all 1943 motorcycle models

Motorcycle catalog with all 1943 models. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. Click here to view an old paper style 1943 motorcycle catalog where you can page through bikes with pictures.

Please tell us about any 1943 bikes not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be grateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

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1943 motorcycle modelsRatingCategoryEngine
Ariel 4G Square Four 1000-Allround995 ccm
Ariel Ariel W-NG 350Show ratingAllround346 ccm
Ariel VH 500 Red Hunter-Allround497 ccm
Harley-Davidson Servi-Car GE-Allround740 ccm
Indian 841-Allround737 ccm
Moto Guzzi Alce-Allround500 ccm
Nimbus 2510-Allround750 ccm
Rikuo RT 2-Allround750 ccm
Simplex Automatic-Allround130 ccm
Velocette KTT-Cross/motocross348 ccm
Velocette KTT Mk VIII-Sport348 ccm
Velocette Mac -Allround349 ccm
Vespa MP5 Paperino-Scooter98 ccm
Zündapp KS 750 Kardan Sport-Allround751 ccm