Cross/motocross motorcycles

Cross/motocross motorcycles

Specs, pictures and rating of 1465 cross / motocross motorcycles made 1894-2025

Cross/motocross motorcycles made 1894-2025. You can have the list sorted by year or model name. Note that some old motorbikes are still awaiting categorization. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. You can also sell or buy these motorcycles through Free Motorcycle Classifieds.

Please tell us about any bikes not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be grateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

Cross/motocross motorcycle models Sort Year Sort Rating    
Adler MB 250 RS1956-            
Adler MB 250 RS1955-            
Adler MB 250 RS1954-            
Adly Bullet 1252007-            
Adly Road Tracer 502007Show rating
Adly Road Tracer 902007-            
AJP PR3 240 MX Pro2015-            
AJP PR3 MX Pro 2402018-            
AJS Stormer Y4 250 Mk 21974Show rating
Alta Redshift MX2018-            
Alta Redshift MXR2018Show rating
Aprilia MXV 4.52013-            
Aprilia MXV 4.52012-            
Aprilia MXV 4.52011Show rating
Aprilia MXV 4.52010Show rating
Aprilia MXV 4.52009Show rating
Aprilia RX 1251985Show rating
Aprilia RX 2501987Show rating
Aprilia RX 2501986Show rating
Aprilia SX 1252008Show rating
ATK 450 MX2007-            
ATK 604 MX1991Show rating
ATK 620 Intimidator2008-            
ATK 700 Intimidator2008Show rating
Beeline Supercross 502016-            
Benelli 125 2 C1973Show rating
Benelli BX 449 Cross2011Show rating
Benelli BX 449 Cross2010-            
Benelli BX 449 Cross2008-            
Beta RX 2T 3002025-            
Beta RX 2T 3002024-            
Beta RX 4T 4502025-            
Beta RX 4T 4502024-            
BSA Kirby1968-            
BSA Y131938-            
BSA Y131937-            
BSA Y131936-            
BucciMoto 65 MX-12015-            
BucciMoto BR-1F15 Cross2015-            
BucciMoto BR1-F4 Cross2010-            
BucciMoto BR1-F4 Cross 10-122009-            
BucciMoto BR1-F4 Cross 14-122009-            
BucciMoto BR1-F6 Cross 14-122013Show rating
BucciMoto BR1F6 Cross2014-            
BucciMoto BR1R CR 1252008-            
BucciMoto BR1R CR 1402008-            
BucciMoto FM20MX2023-            
BucciMoto FM20MX2022-            
Bultaco TSS1969-            
Bultaco TSS1968-            
Bultaco TSS1967-            
Bultaco TSS1966-            
Bultaco TSS1965-            
Bultaco TSS1964-            
Bultaco TSS1963-            
Bultaco TSS1962-            
Bultaco TSS1961-            
Bultaco TSS1960-            
Cagiva Supercity1999-            
Can-Am MX6 4001980Show rating
CCM C-XR125-M2010-            
CCM C-XR125-M2009-            
CCM C-XR125-M2008-            
CCM C-XR230-E2007-            
CCM C-XR230-M2008Show rating
CPI Supercross2008Show rating
CPI Supercross 502004Show rating
CPI Supercross SX2006Show rating
CPI SX 50 White Edition2008Show rating
CPI SX Supercross2007Show rating
CZ 125 Trail1978-            
CZ 250 MotoCross Type 980.51976Show rating
CZ 350 Twin1978Show rating
CZ 400 MX Type 9811974Show rating
Demak Combat2013Show rating
Demak DMX-R2011Show rating
Demak DTM 1502011Show rating
Demak DTM 150 Combat2012Show rating
Factory Bike FX 110R2022-            
Factory Bike FX 150F2022-            
Factory Bike J 102022-            
Factory Bike J112023-            
Factory Bike T4 2502022-            
Fantic Caballero 1252008Show rating
Fantic Caballero 125 H2O2009Show rating
Fantic Caballero TZ 125 CS2012-            
Fantic TX 150 Caballero1980Show rating
Fantic XX 1252023-            
Fantic XX 250 2022-            
Fantic XX 250 Launch Version2024-            
Fantic XXF 250 2022-            
Fantic XXF 4502022-            
Fantic XXF 450 Launch Version2024-            
GAS GAS MC 1252025-            
GAS GAS MC 1252024-            
GAS GAS MC 1252023-            
GAS GAS MC 1252022Show rating
GAS GAS MC 1252021Show rating
GAS GAS MC 1252007Show rating
GAS GAS MC 1252006Show rating

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