Malaguti models

Malaguti model overview

Model series with lists of the individual Malaguti motorcycles

All Malaguti model series. Click on a model serie name to see a newer example of the model independently of production year, variants and options. Or you can expand the model serie to see the list of the individual motorcycles. This includes the motorcycle category. Most model series are limited to a narrow range of engine sizes. Malaguti motorcycles that do not belong to a model serie are listed without the expand icon. Click here to list all Malaguti motorcycles ungrouped.

Malaguti models
 Expand Malaguti 125 YLC  (3 bikes) 1987-1989
Malaguti Aventura 125  (Scooter, 125 ccm) 2025
 Expand Malaguti Blog 125  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Blog 160  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Centro 125  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Centro 160  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Centro 50  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Ciak 125  (3 bikes) 2005-2007
 Expand Malaguti Ciak 150  (4 bikes) 2005-2007
 Expand Malaguti Ciak 50  (6 bikes) 2005-2009
Malaguti Crosser CR1 125  (Scooter, 125 ccm) 2025
 Expand Malaguti Drakon 125  (3 bikes) 2022-2025
 Expand Malaguti Drakon 50  (3 bikes) 2006-2007
 Expand Malaguti Dune 125  (7 bikes) 2019-2025
Malaguti DVD 50  (Scooter, 49 ccm) 2011
Malaguti F10 50  (Scooter, 49 ccm) 2010
 Expand Malaguti F10 Wap  (4 bikes) 2005-2009
 Expand Malaguti F18 Warrior  (2 bikes) 2005
Malaguti Fifty HF Mix 50  (Allround, 49 ccm) 1991
 Expand Malaguti Firefox 50  (8 bikes) 2005-2010
 Expand Malaguti Grizzly  (2 bikes) 2009
 Expand Malaguti Grizzly 10  (4 bikes) 2005-2010
 Expand Malaguti Grizzly 12  (4 bikes) 2005-2010
 Expand Malaguti Grizzly 4-wheels  (2 bikes) 2009-2010
 Expand Malaguti Madison 125  (8 bikes) 2005-2025
 Expand Malaguti Madison 200  (2 bikes) 2005-2023
 Expand Malaguti Madison 250  (4 bikes) 2001-2010
 Expand Malaguti Madison 300  (6 bikes) 2019-2025
Malaguti Madison 400  (Scooter, 383 ccm) 2005
Malaguti Mission 125  (Scooter, 124 ccm) 2022
Malaguti Mission 125 City  (Scooter, 124 ccm) 2025
Malaguti Mission 200 City  (Scooter, 181 ccm) 2024
 Expand Malaguti Monte Pro 125  (6 bikes) 2019-2021
 Expand Malaguti Password  (4 bikes) 2006-2010
 Expand Malaguti Phantom 125  (3 bikes) 2005-2007
 Expand Malaguti Phantom 200  (1 bike) 2005
 Expand Malaguti Phantom 250  (2 bikes) 2006-2007
 Expand Malaguti Phantom 50  (18 bikes) 2005-2010
 Expand Malaguti RST 125  (3 bikes) 2019-2021
Malaguti RST 50  (Sport, 50 ccm) 1990
 Expand Malaguti SpiderMax  (7 bikes) 2006-2016
Malaguti Spidermax 300  (Scooter, 278 ccm) 2025
 Expand Malaguti X3M 125  (4 bikes) 2009-2010
Malaguti XAM  (Prototype/concept model, Electric) 2023
Malaguti XAM Off-Road  (Enduro/offroad, Electric) 2024
 Expand Malaguti XSM 125  (5 bikes) 2019-2025
 Expand Malaguti XSM 50  (6 bikes) 2006-2021
 Expand Malaguti XTM 125  (4 bikes) 2019-2025
 Expand Malaguti XTM 50  (6 bikes) 2006-2021
Malaguti Yesterday 50  (Scooter, 49 ccm) 2005

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