BSA models

BSA model overview

Model series with lists of the individual BSA motorcycles

All BSA model series. Click on a model serie name to see a newer example of the model independently of production year, variants and options. Or you can expand the model serie to see the list of the individual motorcycles. This includes the motorcycle category. Most model series are limited to a narrow range of engine sizes. BSA motorcycles that do not belong to a model serie are listed without the expand icon. Click here to list all BSA motorcycles ungrouped.

BSA models
BSA 350 Plunger  (Classic, 350 ccm) 1951
 Expand BSA 500 SS Gold Star  (2 bikes) 1971-1972
 Expand BSA A 50 Royal Star  (8 bikes) 1963-1970
 Expand BSA A 65 Lightning  (3 bikes) 1970-1972
BSA A 65 SS Firebird  (Classic, 654 ccm) 1970
 Expand BSA A 65 Thunderbolt  (3 bikes) 1970-1972
 Expand BSA A 75 Rocket  (3 bikes) 1970-1972
 Expand BSA A65 Star  (8 bikes) 1962-1969
 Expand BSA A7 Shoting Star  (9 bikes) 1954-1962
BSA B 25 Star  (Classic, 247 ccm) 1970
BSA B 44 Shooting Star  (Touring, 441 ccm) 1970
 Expand BSA B25 Starfire  (3 bikes) 1967-1969
BSA B50SS  (Sport, 499 ccm) 1971
BSA Bantam D5 Super  (Allround, 175 ccm) 1958
 Expand BSA Bantam D7  (8 bikes) 1959-1966
BSA D10 Sport  (Sport, 175 ccm) 1967
 Expand BSA Daytona Replica  (4 bikes) 1951-1954
 Expand BSA Empire Star  (4 bikes) 1936-1939
 Expand BSA Firebird Scrambler  (2 bikes) 1968-1969
BSA Fury 350  (Classic, 349 ccm) 1971
 Expand BSA Gold Star  (4 bikes) 1962-2024
 Expand BSA Golden Flash  (8 bikes) 1954-1961
BSA Kirby  (Cross/motocross, 750 ccm) 1968
 Expand BSA M 21  (4 bikes) 1953-1956
BSA M33-11  (Allround, 595 ccm) 1933
 Expand BSA Rocket 3  (2 bikes) 1968-1969
BSA Spitfire Mk111  (Sport touring, 650 ccm) 1967
BSA SR 500 Gold  (Classic, 499 ccm) 2003
 Expand BSA Super Rocket  (3 bikes) 1964-1966
BSA Victor 500-Trail (B-50T)  (Naked bike, 499 ccm) 1971
 Expand BSA Y13  (3 bikes) 1936-1938

BSA History

English manufacturer that was productive from 1905 to 1973.

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