2005 huh? Well, I´d almost bet it still aint running. Sorry. Great machine, except for the Lucas electrical, Seems to me Fiat´s had Lucas electrical too, that´s why they don´t run either. Oh, where to begin? Dyno? not much to go wrong there, except an open, I have a problem keeping a charge on the batt. Zener?, maybe, I have to admit, simplicity in the charging system, is an understatement, dyno, zener, battery. Grounds are a usual culprit, and yes, pos. ground The thing about troubleshooting this bike is ya gotta think backwards. But, again, the ignition system is simplicity to the extreme, coil, points, plug, period. My trumpet´s been in storage since 91, and the ol´ memory bank ain´t what she used to be, but I vaguely remember a small insulator on the points that was critical, a bakalite washer type dealio, man, I´d have to get all oily again to recall the details. The other thing is once you get it running again it´ll vibrate itself apart in no time. Now I´ve got the urge to hunt down the ol´ shop manual, naaaaaaa. |