My son bought this bike used because it was inexpensive, and he wanted to learn to ride. The handlebars seem a little bit off to me because I can´t get the clutch lever up close to the light control switch assembly. Well, I can get it close, but then it´s angled oddly. The control switch assembly has a positioning pin so you can´t turn that. I tried moving that first. My only other option is to raise up the handgrips, which then changes the position of the turn signals, master cylinder and brake lever, and the engine start and cutoff switch. All of these other things I assume are adjustable without locating holes. Does anyone have advice on this? Why would only the light switches need to be limited so they are not adjustable? (Maybe answering my own question, if you make one thing immovable, then the rest follow) It also looks as though the master cylinder was not the factory part. The handgrip is different. One other thing, he has to race the engine to get it to start off the line. It could be inexperience, but wondering if this is common. It was the least expensive bike that ran at the beginning of motorcycle season.
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