2012 Husqvarna Concept MOAB

Husqvarna Concept MOAB 2012

2012 Husqvarna Concept MOAB specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Husqvarna's profilation of this bike
The Husqvarna MOAB can trace its origins to our models from that period, legendary bikes that are milestones in the history of off-road biking, especially in the U.S. This is one reason for the name MOAB, after the evocative desert in Utah, which every year draws huge numbers of off-road bikers and provides the eerie background for the sets of many cult movies.

General information
Model Husqvarna Concept MOAB
Year of manufacture 2012
Type Prototype / concept model
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Engine and transmission
Engine size 650.0 ccm (39.66 cubic inches)
Type of engine Single cylinder, four-stroke
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Perimeter
Front suspension Telescopic fork
Rear suspension Progressive linkage swingarm
Front brakes Single disc
Rear brakes Single disc
Wheels 17 inch wire spoked wheels. Semi-knobby tires.
Physical measures and capacities
Other specifications
Color options Red/black
Starter Electric
Instruments Digital instrument panel
Light LED lighting
Comments Color scheme from Steve McQueen’s Husqvarna H400.
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