E-max 120L

E-max 120L

No rating yet. 3 E-max 120L model variants.

E-max 120L model overview
E-max 120L models include the 3 motorcycles below produced from 2008 to 2010. The 2010 E-max 120L motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has an electric engine. The category is scooter.

Engine and transmission
Power2.7 HP (2.0 kW)
Top speed60.0 km/h (37.3 mph)
ClutchNo clutch or transmission
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels
Front dampersOil/gass pressure
Rear dampersOil/gass pressure
Front tire130/60-13
Rear tire130/60-13
Front brakesSingle disc. Hydraulic floating disc brake
Rear brakesSingle disc. Hydraulic floating disc brake
Weight and dimentions
Dry weight135.0 kg (297.6 pounds)
Other information
Comments13´´ high torque maintenance free motor. 1.5-5 hours charging time. Lithium ion battery, 15 x 3.2V/60Ah. Operating range 90-115 km. German brand.
MaintenanceFind E-max 120L parts, fluids and service manuals.
Insurance costsEasy comparison of quotes from US top insurance providers.

The E-max 120L model variants with detailed specs:
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2010 E-max 120L
Scooter category:
2010 E-max 120L
Colors: Black, blue, yellow, red, green, gray, whitePoint
Power: 2.68 HPPoint
Dry weight: 135.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: The location of the 13-inch wheel motor in the rear wheel enables smooth power transmission. It is maintenance free and due to the immense torque does not need a transmission.

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Submit a 2009 E-max 120L picture
Scooter category:
2009 E-max 120L
Colors: Black, blue, gray, white, yellow, red, greenPoint
Power: 5.36 HPPoint
Dry weight: 135.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: The motor was exclusively developed by e-max for the application in electric scooters.

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Submit a 2008 E-max 120L picture
Scooter category:
2008 E-max 120L
Colors: Black, blue, grey, white, yellow, red, greenPoint
Power: 5.36 HPPoint
Dry weight: 100.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: The motor was exclusively developed by e-max for the application in electric scooters. The location of the 13-inch wheel motor in the rear wheel enables smooth power transmission. It is maintenance free and due to the immense torque does not need a transmission.

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