Classic motorcycles

Classic motorcycles

Specs, pictures and rating of 2011 classic motorcycles made 1894-2025

Classic motorcycles made 1894-2025. You can have the list sorted by year or model name. Note that some old motorbikes are still awaiting categorization. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. You can also sell or buy these motorcycles through Free Motorcycle Classifieds.

Please tell us about any bikes not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be grateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

Classic motorcycle models Sort Year Sort Rating    
Honda CB1100 DLX2014Show rating
Honda CB1100 EX2019Show rating
Honda CB1100 EX2018Show rating
Honda CB1100 EX2017Show rating
Honda CB1100 EX2016Show rating
Honda CB1100 EX2015Show rating
Honda CB1100 RS2019Show rating
Honda CB1100 RS2018Show rating
Honda CB1100 RS2017Show rating
Honda CB450SC Nighthawk1982Show rating
Honda CBX1980Show rating
Honda CBX1978Show rating
Honda CBX 650 E1986Show rating
Honda CBX 650 E1985Show rating
Honda CD 125 T Benly2002Show rating
Honda CD 185 TWIN1978Show rating
Honda CD 200 Twin Benly1980Show rating
Honda CD 50 Benly2002Show rating
Honda CD200T Benly1984Show rating
Honda CJ 360 T1976Show rating
Honda CL 1751972Show rating
Honda CL 250 S1983Show rating
Honda CL5002023-            
Honda CM 185 T Chopper1979Show rating
Honda CM 185 T Chopper1978Show rating
Honda CM 200 T1980Show rating
Honda CM 200 T (reduced effect)1981Show rating
Honda CM 250 C1982Show rating
Honda CM 400 T1980Show rating
Honda CM 400 T (reduced effect)1982Show rating
Honda CX 5001981Show rating
Honda CX 5001978Show rating
Honda CX 500 C1980Show rating
Honda CX 500 C (reduced effect)1982Show rating
Honda CX 500 C (reduced effect)1981Show rating
Honda CX 500 C (reduced effect)1980Show rating
Honda CX 500 E1982Show rating
Honda CX 500 E (reduced effect)1982Show rating
Honda CX 500 Turbo1981Show rating
Honda CX 650 E1984Show rating
Honda GB 500 Clubman1992Show rating
Honda GB 500 Clubman1989Show rating
Honda GB 500 Clubman (reduced effect)1992Show rating
Honda GL 1000 Gold Wing1976Show rating
Honda GL 1000 K 3 Gold Wing1978Show rating
Honda GL 1100 Gold Wing Interstate1981Show rating
Honda MT 250 Elsinore1973Show rating
Honda Shadow RS2011Show rating
Honda VF 1000 F 21985Show rating
Honda VF 1000 R1986Show rating
Honda VF 1100 C1986Show rating
Honda VF 750 C1985Show rating
Honda VF 750 S V45 Sabre1982Show rating
Honda VT 500 C1986Show rating
Honda VT 500 C1985Show rating
Honda VT 500 C1983Show rating
Honda VT 500 E1983Show rating
Honda VT 600 C (reduced effect)1992Show rating
Honda VTX 1800S Classic Cruiser2006Show rating
Honda XBR 5001990Show rating
Honda XBR 5001987Show rating
Honda XBR 500 (reduced effect)1990Show rating
Honda XBR 500 (reduced effect)1987Show rating
Honda XBR 500 (reduced effect)1986Show rating
Honda XBR 500 N1985Show rating
Honda XL 350 R1984Show rating
Horex Regina Evo2023-            
Horex VR6 Cafe Racer HL2023-            
Horex VR6 Classic2019-            
Horex VR6 Classic2018-            
Horex VR6 Classic2017Show rating
Horex VR6 Classic2016-            
Horex VR6 Classic2015-            
Horex VR6 Classic2014-            
Horex VR6 Classic HL2019-            
Horex VR6 Classic HL2018-            
Horex VR6 Raw2020-            
Horex VR6 Raw2019-            
Indian Chief Vintage2020Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2019Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2018Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2017Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2016Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2015Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2014Show rating
Indian Chief Vintage2013-            
Indian Chief Vintage LE2013-            
Italmoto Tiquattro 125 Cafe2023-            
IZH Jupiter 31975Show rating
IZH Jupiter 3 (with sidecar)1974Show rating
IZH Jupiter 41986Show rating
IZH Planeta 31975Show rating
IZH Planeta 31974Show rating
IZH Planeta 41984Show rating
IZH Planeta Sport1980Show rating
IZH Planeta Sport1979Show rating
Janus Gryffin 2502023-            
Janus Gryffin 450 Scrambler2024-            
Janus Halcyon 2502023-            
Jawa 250 Californian1970Show rating

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