Author: john gizzi, 2006-07-30, viewed 250 times.
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2005 Harley-Davidson FLHTI Electra Glide Standard. Picture credits - Harley-Davidson.
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An excellent bike
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In Oct. 05 I purchased a FLHTI and have never been happier with a bike. Here it is July 06 and there is over 31,000 miles on the speedo. No problems, break downs or failures. From Wyowing, to Texas several times, to Florida and all over Colorado this bike has treated me well and is very comfortable doing between 80 and 95 mph... all day. My next move, the Ultra | |
This review of the 2005 Harley-Davidson FLHTI Electra Glide Standard was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.
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