2009 Orion AGB-38 review

Review of the 2009 Orion AGB-38:

Or Atomik AGB -38 or Fury and Fury Pro -x 250

Author: Paul Chidgey , 2010-09-11, viewed 323 times.
A Friend of mine and I have now had two of these bikes for a year. I can now give you a detailed description or there good and bad points

The following is a list of things to do when you buy one of these bikes.
1. Replace the oil before riding .As the oil they come with is “CRAP´ replace with Castrol 4T. (This is required each ride for the first 4 rides)
2. Grease all bearings’ wheel, swing arm, steering heard and tighten all bolts (as this may not be done correctly when new)
3. Oil and adjust chain with correct chain oil.
4. Lubricate clutch cable
5. Make sure all spokes are tight and tire pressure is correct.
Replacement and adjustment parts
1. Clutch lever (original is very weak metal – most bike levers will attach on)
2. Brake lever (replace with Suzuki DZR 400 E)
3. Adjust filter box (use radiator hose to run from Carburettor to a UNI-FILTER in old box. (Standard filter is CRAP)
Remove shock mud/stone flap (as it will get caught on back wheel and rip out of filter box)
4. Most of all replace rear shock’ I replaced mine with IKON suspension “rear shock “ located in Albury NSW the standard shocks are way to soft.
6. Replace front fork seals with better ones and better springs and oil.
7. Relace spark plug with NGK.
All this will set you back about Dollars 1000.00

1. Very strong engine ( based on the old XR 250,S )
2. Excellent size tank 8 LT
3. Handles quite well, great low down power for hill climbs etc.
4. Strong frame and plastics ( we come of a fair few times to confirm this)
5. Excellent value for money

1. Poor filter design, But good filter box
2. Weak clutch and brake levers
3. VERY BAD rear shock
4. Rear shock plastic protector ( remove it )

The AGB-38 250 Orion, Atomik fury (however brands it ) is a very good bike for the money, as they still sell on eBay, and you can get a bargain for under Dollars 1000.00 . If you get from a distributor then expect to pay around Dollars 1200-1800 depending on that distributor. My friend and I got ours in Sep 2009 and they are still selling the same bike in Sep 2010. This is a trusted model that would be better than most other Chinese 250,s at present. There is a new model called the Atomik PRO- X 250 same engine plastics (but alloy swing arm and supposed to have better suspension.

To sum up if you won’t a bike to ride around on fire trails and bush tracks say once a month or so. And don’t wont to pay Dollars 5000- 10000 for that. Then with a few mods you can be sure this bike will give you the reliability and fun you require.

This review of the 2009 Orion AGB-38 was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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