2007 Yamaha TT-R 125 review

Review of the 2007 Yamaha TT-R 125:

The TTRail Ripper

Author: Jon Snipede, 2010-09-06, viewed 193 times.
This bike is great, doing what it was designed for.

  This is a great bike. What else can I say¿
Well, this bike can take a HELL of a pounding.
I´m not a beginner, and the bike dosen´t have any real mods. I´d say im intermideate. Anyway, it´s great at doing what it is designed for, which is enduro riding.
I can take it on some dang rugged and flat out dangerous trails. It can climb just about anything, and usuallly does not wheelie in the process of it. I also weigh 150 lbs. I can get over big roots and go over sections of trails that I have seen 450´s screw up/ loop out on. On the track, the power is pretty impressive for a 125cc 4 stroke. I can clear 30 foot tabletops and 20 foot doubles, as long as I do not undershoot them, in which case it causes the bike to bottom pretty violently because the suspension is pretty soft, but it´s a trail bike, so I won´t comlain. All that I wish for is that the bike had just a little bit more snap, but it does rev pretty well, even though it has a 4 pound flywheel. I have beat the hell out of it, gunning it through mud, rocks, undeshooting jumps, falling plenty of times, riding it in 20 degree weather with super-mud under 1 foot of snow, revving is as high as it could go, and yet, nothing has broken, not even the frame. All in all, this bike may not stand straight up with the twist of te thottle, but it is very durable when DOING WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED FOR, and even what is what not.
So if you want a great, durable bike that will not rip your arms off with with power but still offers plenty, than go out and get yourself a ttr 125! And no, I do not sponser Yamaha.

This review of the 2007 Yamaha TT-R 125 was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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