1924 motorcycle models

1924 Motorcycle models

Specs, pictures and rating for all 1924 motorcycle models

Motorcycle catalog with all 1924 models. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. Click here to view an old paper style 1924 motorcycle catalog where you can page through bikes with pictures.

Please tell us about any 1924 bikes not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be grateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

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1924 motorcycle modelsRatingCategoryEngine
Ace Standard-Allround1234 ccm
AJS G6 Bigport-Sport349 ccm
BMW R32-Naked bike494 ccm
Cleveland EL-Sport268 ccm
Cleveland Lighweight engine no.286-Sport221 ccm
Coventry Eagle Coventry Eagle-Allround998 ccm
DKW Lomos-Sesselrad-Allround143 ccm
DKW Lomos-Sesselrad 170cc-Allround170 ccm
DKW Stahlmodell SM-Sport206 ccm
Excelsior 20R-Allround974 ccm
Harley-Davidson 61-Sport1000 ccm
Harley-Davidson Eight-valve racer-Sport1000 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model F-Sport989 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model FD-Allround1208 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model FDCA-Sport1208 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model J-Allround989 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model JD-Allround1208 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model JDCA-Sport1208 ccm
Harley-Davidson Model W Sport Twin-Allround584 ccm
Indian BGE-Sport596 ccm
Indian BHEP-Sport1204 ccm
Indian Chief-Custom/cruiser1210 ccm
NSU 4PS-Sport498 ccm
NSU 6PS-Sport743 ccm
NSU 8PS-Sport996 ccm
Scott Super Squirrel-Sport596 ccm
Zündapp K 211-Sport211 ccm
Zündapp Z 2 G-Sport211 ccm
Zündapp Z 22-Sport211 ccm
Zündapp Z 249-Sport249 ccm