2009 Kawasaki KLR650 review

Review of the 2009 Kawasaki KLR650:

Kawasaki KLR 650 trail and highway experience

Author: Mark, 2016-08-28, viewed 590 times.
I own a 2009 Kawasaki KLR 650 and I have ridden it a lot on highway and off for the past three years. I bought it used in 2013. As a dual sport bike, the KLR 650 is much more of a highway or street bike than an off road bike. 

  The weight, windshield, and gearing are all better for the highway. You can ride it o.k. on good graded county roads, forest service roads, BLM roads, etc. if they are in good shape. The KLR 650 is very top heavy and very hard to pick up if dropped.

I ride 25 miles of highway to a ranch road and then 2 miles of decent dirt road to work. I like the weight, speed, gearing, and windshield on the highway. It is o.k. on the good dirt roads, but it is just simply too much for any kind of serious trail riding.

I have had it all over Southwest Colorado and in Moab, Utah, on highway and off. It is a pretty good highway bike for touring, but not a trail bike at all. I like it o.k. on the highway and on good graded roads.

The engine vibration wears my hands out before very long. Get padded grips and gloves! I also own 5 other dual sport and trail bikes, so I have a fairly good idea when comparing them.


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