2017 Honda CRF250L ABS review

Review of the 2017 Honda CRF250L ABS:

Honda CRF250L ABS 2017 Review 300 miles covered

Author: marksparkey, 2017-03-24, viewed 324 times.
Because I had difficulty getting any info on this bike, thought I would help others with my views, following the collection of my CRF-ABS on March 1st 2017. I am 5ft 6inch tall and struggle with the height of the bike and having problems trying to get both feet to touch the ground, as the bike is 20mm higher than the 2016 model.

  Once your on the bike, the suspension does go down a lot but, not enough, even though I have lowered the front folks (hasn´t made much difference). Cannot fault the handling of the bike or the riders position (really comfortable) and as this bike is so well balanced/light weight, it feels as if your sitting on a tall push bike. Really thin and getting through small gaps isn´t a problem, ideal for commuting in heavy traffic.

Cannot fault the standard tyres, as they seem to be great in wet or dry conditions.
Used ABS once when a car pulled out in front of me, bike stopped extremely quickly/safely. Without ABS, I think I would have gone into the side of her door!

The bulky number plate holder is still ugly so have removed standard and bent an alloy bracket, now looks as it should. As the 2016 model, the petrol tank is tiny (£7.00 max fills the tank) and you get about 90 miles out of that.

Digital fuel gauge and rev counter is excellent but missing the engine temp gauge.
Overall a great commuting bike, plenty of go in higher gears when required to overtake. Cannot fault the handling and stops well. For the price of these bikes, you cannot go wrong, but check insurance prices and theft cover (small print) because they are prone to be stolen.

I look forward to the 45 min ride to work everyday. Hope this helps someone who is looking to buy one of these bikes.

This review of the 2017 Honda CRF250L ABS was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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