1974 Benelli 750 Sei review

Review of the 1974 Benelli 750 Sei:

Benelli Sei Aerodynamics of a semi-detached house

Author: Smithy, 2020-10-04, viewed 333 times.
A pleasant smooth bike to ride. Clutch operation not too heavy and gear ratios were well chosen. My Sei was 4 years old and top speed was 110 to 112 mph flat out chin on tank. A 76 750F1 I had, did 115mph and handled better. The Sei had pose value, the Honda didn´t.

  With only 3 carburetors that restricted the power and a very wide engine that stuffed up the aerodynamics, the bike performed as well as it was able. The engine was deceptive in that it probably had more torque than a Harley Sportster. Slipping the clutch I could pull away in 3rd gear and stay in 3rd gear accelerating to a genuine 100 mph.

In 3rd gear 1000revs 10mph,   5000revs 50mph,   10,000 revs 100mph. I did abuse the poor thing though and over revving it damaged the alternator which is behind the crankshaft driven by gears.

The front brakes worked very well. My mate following behind me on a Rickman Kwacker nine nearly ran into me several times and was frightened I was about to be chucked off the Sei as it waggled it´s back end furiously under heavy braking. Sitting in the seat, I could feel the wiggle, but it didn´t seem as if it was going to get out of control at any time.

With the alternator being a bit unreliable, I sold the bike to a mate for 350 quid in the late 80´s. I never grew attached to it. The UJM 750 Honda had more character and that is saying something.

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