2005 Suzuki Boulevard C50 review

Review of the 2005 Suzuki Boulevard C50:

13 Years later and still kicking

Author: Jon in Santa Barbara, 2018-04-26, viewed 516 times.
A great mid-range cruiser. I have always loved the looks of this bike. With the exception of a Highway bar and leather side saddles I have not put any accessories on this bike.

  People who do not ride think its a big liter bike. It is a simple forgiving cruiser with a reliable 805 engine. The bike has good power around the streets. I generally keep it in 3-4th gear. This offers me decent acceleration and quick engine braking. The bike is nimble. Even more so with the new Michelin Commanders. 

I rarely cruise more than 75mph. I do not have a windshield, but the wind blast is tolerable. Its very comfortable at that speed. Not a lot of torque left for passing. It will go faster (eventually hitting 90mph), but what´s the use in that?

Its got a 4.1 gallon tank. Low fuel indicator comes on at about 143 mph. You have about 1 gallon left in the tanks at that point. My MPG is a conservative 42 mpg. My bike is 13 years old and looks brand new.

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