2020 CF Moto 300SR review

Review of the 2020 CF Moto 300SR:

CF Moto 300SR looks great, but?

Author: JasmineWoz, 2021-07-06, viewed 410 times.
Just got my CF Moto 300SR. I had previously owned both a 250r and 300 Ninja and replaced the fairings with after market ones they had all the decals gel coated and looked great. The 300sr just have a bunch of stickers on them, not sure how long they will last.

From a distance the 300sr looks fantastic, but closer inspection of the body work reveals a bunch of sheet metal screws holding a very over designed cowl and fairing. Around 4000 rpm the vibration is so noisy I was shamed that someone might hear it. I got the bike home and started to trace down the rattles; mainly on the left hand side. I found a number of spots where the vibration was coming from and inserted plastic cushioning until the final one. It was the front side light, there was nothing I could do to stop it. (Finding how to take off the body work is very hard). I will give it another 500 km and see how it is then.

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