This bike has it all it is awsome quality. I own a shop and I carry all of the top names like aprilia vespa scarabeo kymco pigo and more and by far this bike is the nicest and most affordable unlike many others. The desgin is sharp as well as its hand made quality engine and smooth ride. Aprilias blue tires are fancy but do you like paying $200 for em because that where some of the price is. Also this is derestricted so you dont have to worry about messing somthing up by de-restricting it in 2 strokes it can be critical. Ive been around bikes for 40 years I know what im talking about I used to race and i have built about 30 bikes so far so trust me you want a nice scooter UNITED MOTORS XPEED 50 has my bet. Aprilia is nice for someone who uses that for there only transportatition but if not $3,500 is just plain WACKO. XPEED 50 ALL THE WAY Nice bike UM has made but get em while there hot they stopped making this style for the US now a Japanese company has taken it for US but the 2005 and before were produced in Europe. Peace