About a week ago I drained the primary fluid completely. Lastnight I went to add fluid in it through the clutch inspection cover (dirby cover). When I started it up, it spit and sputtered in neutral. When I sat on it and put it into gear, the bike jumped and tried to go WHILE THE CLUTCH WAS IN. It was acting like the clutch wasn´t even pulled in. I added 1 quart of HD´s new primary and tranny fluid when I filled it back up. Thinking I may have added too much, I drained the entire contents again and fired up the bike. It now runs like it used to, but I know I can´t run it dry like that. I did no adjustments of any kind either. The Clymer manual says it holds 1.5 quarts, so I´m really confused. The nearest bike store told me a few ounces more than called for would not have done that to my bike. Also, it wouldn´t shift gears while sitting there, not running. Please advise. Thanks