What a piece of work? I got this bike brand new when I was 14. It had more miles in the back of my dad´s truck than it got on the wheels. It broke down every ride we went on. Electrical problems every day! Two cracked pistons and finally a thrown rod. This bike never made it past 5,000 miles before it literally fell apart. The most unreliable bike I have ever owned. I have has 66 so far. Look pretty goofy, ran like a dog with the stock muffler. With a short Bates megaphone, it came alive. Sounded like a helicopter and scared the kids off the street. Was the hardest bike of all time to kickstart. It would throw me over the bars and almost broke my leg a few times. I paid $1,100 out the door back in 72, it was a left over, now I know why. Don´t buy one unless you are an ace mechanic and a pretty good machinist!