I am brand new to the world of scooters, though I was very much into motorcycles in my youth. Gas prices & gas lines accelerated my interest in them then, and now, here I am again, after not having ridden a two-wheeled vehicle for about 30 years now. I´m looking for something that can do about 60 mph and hopefully get somewhere around 80 mpg. The Vespa Px 125 & Px 150 seem to fit that bill at least in terms of speed, as does the Yahama Vino 125 or 150 (I forget which). The Vespa has the added advantage of being a 2-stroke, which I LOVE from my trail riding & moto cross days. Unfortunately, this website does not include ANY reviews of TGBs, which also interest me, ESPECIALLY their "delivery" bike, which has a LOT of room for transporting stuff (I´d like to be able to use my scooter to go shopping! Well, I sure hope I hear from somebody, and I hope I can figure out how to FIND those responses!