I drove a ET4 for about 3 years with very little hassle - except that in the last year I had to have the drive-belt switched as it was beginning to slip. But within 2 months of having my GT200, the same thing started happening!! VERY dangerous situation. It´s now 5 months old and I´m on my second belt. All I can think it that the initial transmission of power is too sudden on this model to allow you to go at speeds of about 1m/sec (i.e. VERY slow as is so often required in and around London). I´m sick of pulling off and not knowing when the power will transfer from the rollers to the drivebelt!! Sometimes I hear them spinning against eachother for over a second before it clicks in. I´m going to trade my brand-new Grandturismo Vespa 200L for a manual transmission as a result - the scooter fraternity has now lost one of its keenest advocates! VERY annoying. Has anyone else had the same problem?? Perhaps there´s some sage advice out there about what I can instruct the servicers to do in order to avoid this?