Mr,Colin Minter

Piaggio Beverly 400 discussion forum:

Mr,Colin Minter

Mr,Colin Minter 
cjminter said 2024-12-29 11:36 
Hello,I am in Sydney ,Australia.I have a 2019*
Beverly,LOW KMS, 6500km. She stopped again today,feels like unburnt fuel,this is my first new typ0e motorcycle, I have older PX 150 x 2 and Moto Guzzi all older Tonti models. The first time this happened I took her to a Piaggio and Vespa distributor, they said they could finf nothing,well she stopped 15 km from work shop.Back again ,thorough inspection, nothing ,ECU ??? .Took her for rides nothing, untill today 3 hours from home,any thoughts ,appreciated
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