I bought this bike half a year ago, and had nothing but fun with it since. Well that was until two months ago when I had new tyres fitted and went round a corner in the rain a bit too fast. I was coming out of the corner and the back wheel spun out to the side throwing me off along the road. Now that’s a lesson, be careful with new tyres!! But anyway, when I came back from hospital and had healed up, I took a look at the damage done to the bike. I thought it was going to be a major repair because of the distance me and the bike had been thrown down the road, which was until I looked at it. It was all very minor, replacement indicators, bit of paint on the tank, and a new headlight, then back on the road. This shows how well this bike is made to withstand the terror and punishment of a of a 17yr old learner. I would recommend this bike to anyone, and at the price u can get it at, you can’t really go wrong.
Also note that there is a difference between the 2003 and 2005 model, which is that the 2005 model is only 11 BHP which restricts you to about 60MPH, where as the 2003 model is about 14.6 BHP which allows you to get to 77MPH and (as far as know it is still learner legal). It’s up to you, but I know which one I chose!!!