The electrical system on the bike is not good. i´ve had my bike in 4 months, and lights, blinkers, brakelights, ignition,... ha caused some problems. The brackets for the sidepanels are broken. I have used the bike every day during the winter, and I have had no problems with the engine, until yesterday. Then I could not start the bike. After dismounting of carburators, cleaning and adjustment, the bike started, and was running for a few minutes, and then it stopped. After several hours of frustration, we found the error. There was a relay under the saddle that was defect. I belive it has something to do with the starter. When wedisconnected the relay the engine was ok, and all other functions on the bike. I am on the internet to try to find som info about the wiring of the horex imperator.
if you want a cheap bike, and have some mechanical knowledge, buy one and have fun. If you do not want to get dirty on your fingers, do not by a Horex......