RE: 2002 shootout - R1 vs. GSXR1000

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RE: 2002 shootout - R1 vs. GSXR1000

RE: 2002 shootout - R1 vs. GSXR1000 
NN said 2003-04-25 01:17 
I bet who ever wrote the comment about Hondas no being able to beat Yamahas doesn´t watch much of the AMA Pro Racing.
If they did then they would no that Honda is the reigning champion in the SuperSport and Superbike classes. Also the 954´s dominated the R1 in Formula Xtreme. The Yamaha´s are good, fast bikes, but the CBRs can most definitely compete with ease. But to answer the question, I would go with the gixxer, they are faster, lighter, and better balanced.
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