RE: Opinions on best 600 bike

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RE: Opinions on best 600 bike

RE: Opinions on best 600 bike 
Gammer9 said 2003-04-01 02:39 
The 4 stokers don´t handle near as nice as an GR 500 Gamma Suzuki. I ahev riden hundereds and worked and as wany for other people. The RG Gamma 500 is now 145 HP rear wheel HP and the handling is even better than any current 600. Did I say the Gamma was a 4 cylinder 2 stoked liquid cooled near GP blike in the world!!!!!!!!! They are available from time to time on different sites. You need to get a real bike and then you can have a real experience. Prices are 6000.00 US & up. Just couldn´t resist !!! 
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