Repair advise

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Repair advise

Repair advise 
XCRJAY said 2006-10-22 12:12 
About 2 years ago I did a great deal of damage to my 03 GSX-R600 Alstare edition. I had an estamat done on the damages and found out that it was going to cost me about 6 to 7,000 dollars to get it fixed up to new condition. Most of the damage is cosmetic, no piece of plastice is reusable. But I don´t think it would cost to much to get it running again couple engine covers, real sets, exoust. So I guess what I´m looking for is some advise on how to get this bike back up and running with out taking it to the dealer and spending 7000 dollars to get it restored. Ebay´s an option but I worry about doing some of the repairs myself because there´d be alot of guess work going on in both the purchas and the installation.
Any advise would be apreciated. Thanks
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