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Harlequin said 2006-10-12 19:07 
recently acquired R1 YFZ 1000, my previous bike was tri/arm HUrricane HOnda cbr 400, from the very firt day i noticed unusual heat from the engine, checked my coolent cleaned radiater, got lubricant changed.....but still after running few km, bike would stop, getting it started throught ignition was virtually impossible, so i took off the head,thinking one of the tappet was´nt running smoothly, ........during this process i took off the camchain, removed the shaft......rear tappet was´nt aligned as it should be,........my ignorance was not to mark the timing, ..so putting everything which i dismantled i guess i´ve somehow screwed the timing ......the bike would´nt start at all, ..............to find the accurate timing i need to get hold of workshop manual,since i live in Nepal it´s impossible to obtain it here,.........can anyone provide me complete diagram of camchain timing, intake and oulet valve ?? along with suggestion, it would be immense help to me .....
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