RE: Opinions on best 600 bike

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RE: Opinions on best 600 bike

RE: Opinions on best 600 bike 
NN said 2002-08-15 09:38 
Don´t go suzuki. There´s a reason they call them "skuzzy" ya know. Go for the Honda CBR600F4i. It´s the best 600cc sportbike the world has ever seen. R-6 from Yamaha is good. ZX-6R from Kawasaki is good. GSX-R6 from Skuzzy, well, speaks for itself. If you want your money´s worth, go with the Hondas. In fact, all of the CBR600F "Hurricane" series is good, so any year of one is better than it´s competitors. Races don´t matter, it´s the street value of the bike that is important, because races have those suped-up bikes that get serviced so much. What you need is a good street performer that is the best STOCK, and that IS HONDA. 
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