RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie.

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RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie.

RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie. 
Glenn said 2005-04-11 11:14 
I agree completely. The thing you have to keep always in mind is that any motorcycle is capable of manuvering in ways that most car drivers can´t comprehend. Compound this with the fact that the bike/rider combination is much smaller visually than even a compact car and it is a recipe for disaster. As a rider you must always expect the unexpected. You must always be aware of your surroundings and anticipate what might happen next. Let´s say that you are riding in the center lane of a three lane freeway and the traffic in the left lane suddenly begins to slow down. #1 you can bet that they are slowing down for no reason. #2 you can bet that someone in that left lane will dart into your lane, either because they think that it is moving faster or because they are trying to avoid a rear end collision from following to closely. The same applies if the right lane is slowing instead of the left. The point of this example is that what is happening in your lane of traffic is not the only thing that you must be aware of. You must see the whole picture and anticipate the worst case. I always like to pretend that I am invisible and ride accordingly. 
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