RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie.

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RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie.

RE: Honda Cbr600 not too fast for rookie. 
capncopter said 2005-04-10 19:42 
i agree. i have an ´80 kawasaki kz550 and a CBR 600 and BOTH bikes will get you into trouble if you´re not careful. the CBR is MUCH more powerful but that power doesn´t show itself below 5k RPM and using all the gears 5k will get you to comfortable highway speeds. it´s actually much more stable in bumpy turns than the older bike. the clutch gives really good feedback as does the throttle and brakes.
riding on a crotch rocket is a constant test of self-restraint on public roads, though. their power is really easy to abuse. just relax your right hand and keep your ego in check.
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