RE: honda cbr 600?

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RE: honda cbr 600?

RE: honda cbr 600? 
brandon said 2005-02-28 19:09 
i own a 03 honda cbr 600rr and it was my first bike and i think that if it is your first bike it is a great choice. it goves u quite alot of power and the weight ratio is really good. u always feel like ur in control of the bike and depending on ur size they fit the rider quite well. a few draw backs that i have noticed is the seat is really hard and after a while is unconfertable. it doesnt make its power until bout 9,000 rpm´s but when it 3,000 u can feel the power so it has good low end torque and ok high end torgue. the thing that i dont like is that it red lines at 15,000 so u only got about 4,000 rpms of peak power. but all around for a first bike i think its great. if u have nemore questions for me u can email me at 
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