RE: Steering dampers?? Im  getting a cbr 600rr   2003

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RE: Steering dampers?? Im getting a cbr 600rr 2003

RE: Steering dampers?? Im getting a cbr 600rr 2003 
CBRGoddess said 2003-09-05 18:32 
you dont need a steering dampner on a 600cc motorcycle. The 600RR(which i own) wont go out of control. Those little geniuses at honda didnt make a bike that wants to fall over. The bike loves to go straight, it loves to turn...but more importantly, the bike wants to stay up. So unless you mess something up and tank slap the heck outa it, i PROMISE you, you wont need a steering dampner. Those are for R1´s, 900RRs and bikes that have the abilites to do wheelies in 3rd gear :) 
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