Owned this bike for 2 days as third owner. came with speedo wire broke which just needed to be soldered. Heard this is common. The bike is quite heavy and the stand isn´t ideal as it doesnt allow the bike to lean much and if it slips it will go up all the way up letting the bike fall due to a strong spring on the stand but I´ve not had a problem with it. It is comfortable to ride and handling, brakes and acceleration are brilliant but it does top out at about 60mph, it is tuned as an off roader though so a sprocket size change could probably take the bike up to 70mph. Its a really nice bike, sounds nice as well. Due to it being a bike made by a small company I would advise to keep it clean and dry the bike after being out in the wet because these cheap make bikes tend to corrode if you let them go. I literally get a cloth over the brake callipers and wheels when dust appears and just clean the engine with a cloth too. If possible clean with something other than water, its best to keep these bikes away from water if you want your money back when its time to let go.