Can anyone help me? I am considering buying a 950 Adventure. The problem is that I cannot find a way to buy a SHOP MANUAL for it (I´m not talking about that 35 page X 5 languages OWNERS MANUAL that comes in the KTM briefcase, I mean a real mechanic´s shop manual). I never buy a motorcycle without one. I found a sympathetic dealer in Florida who lent me his 171 page loose leaf LC4 SHOP MANUAL so I could take it to Kinko´s and have a copy made before I bought my two LC4´s. Unfortunately I no longer live in Florida, and he is not a 950 Adventure dealer. My nearest KTM dealers are roughtly 100 miles away. I am getting nowhere on the phone. One dealer tried to convince me that there is no such thing as a KTM shop manual. Can anyone help me find a place to buy a SHOP MANUAL for a 950 Adventure in ENGLISH published by anyone on paper or on a disc OR can I get a copy from anyone? Thank you.