I just bought a Husky TE 610. The bike is great to ride it handles great and compared to my old 1996 Honda XR600 this thing kicks ****. Excellent wheelie bike. I now have a problem I want to service the thing but can´t find the oil filter?? I have got a service manual for a 1995 model (I assumed they are the same) Does anyone no if the oil filter system are differnt from 1995 to 1998 model?? In the manual it shows a "gauze filter" at the end of the bolt just in front drive sprocket. I removed this bolt, but the filter isn´t there as it is shown in the manual. it´s not shown very well in manual. How is the filter secured to that bolt anyway?? Maybe the filter is stuck in there or maybe it´s simply not there and I need to get a filter for it?? I am just assuming no one would be stupid enough to remove the filter without replacing it!! The only small husky "dealer" here don´t really know anything about it so they aren´t much help. If anyone one can help me I would be very happy.