RE: large chappie, not so large bike

Cagiva Mito 125 discussion forum:

RE: large chappie, not so large bike

RE: large chappie, not so large bike 
kyle said 2004-04-28 14:13 
well im 6ft but ium only 9 1/2 stone so iget away with it. if you dont feel comfortable on the mito i think you should have a look at a honda varadero because it a 4 stroke so there´s plenty of power all the way throuh so it will pull the extra weight with ease but i dnt think the mito will be that bad for you so go for the mio but check the varadero out any way because it is the biggest 125 bike on the road and the size dosnt change from when u get the 1100 version of it so u can you can imagine the size 
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