I recently purchased the 2009 XB12XP new. This is the best all arounder I have owned so far. It was intended for the local police but they didn´t purchase it and it was sold to me. With it´s roomy bags and long legged suspension, it´s sucks up the bumps and holes in city driving while carrying your every day needs. It makes a very good adverture tourer as well and cruises fairly comfortably. It also has plenty of room for a six foot plus person and is very easy to flick around. On the down side, it heats up my right leg terribly bad in traffic and of course is tuned too lean which causes more heat and keeps the motor from running as strong as it could. Looks like Buell addressed this problem on the 2010 models and offers it in kit. On the up side, it´s very comfortable and I don´t have to lube and adjust a chain every week and clean up the mess on the bike. I like the zero maintenance here.