I have NOT ridden this bike. I almost bought this bike, but after reading about three reviews by professional bike magazines I decided not to buy it. Two minor things made me decide the way I did. Heat from the engine is too annoying it sounds like. Vibrations which I may not like. It´s a Harley engine basically. The engine has been tweaked up a bit for year 2008. It takes 91 octane gas to run it. But, what made me like it at first. It´s a beautiful bike and the workmanship on it is superb. I think the handling would be most excellent since the bike comes in at 465 pounds which is very light for this big of bike and engine. It has gobs and gobs of power at 103 hp. No maintenance on the belt drive and it´s a light drive system too. The engineering on these bikes is superb, but I´m waiting for them to put the Rotax engine in the touring bike, but not necessarily with the 146 hp engine. The compression should be dropped to about 10.8 or 10.0 to 1 in their powerful rotax. Just install different rods or pistons. Just put the Rotax engine in the Sport Touring bike. That´s it! I want one for sure!