I just bought this bike and it is sweet. It´s the fourth Harley I´ve owned and the second FL. As far as handling, don´t listen to the BS some might tell you. The bike is smooth. After the first few hundred miles, once you get comfortable on it, it corners like a breeze. The front end doesn´t dip ANY when braking, unlike the standard models. The front brake pad area is a little small though and in a really hard brake you may experience a little "chatter". The fuel injected model is the way to go. Beats the hell out of the crappy CV carbs. If you have to have a carb, switch it to an S&S. It´ll get up to 100mph pretty quick but accelleration slows a bit after that. (its not a rice rocket). This bike is also very comfortable. You could easily do cross countries on it. If you get one you will enjoy it!