First off i love the bike and always will. My dad bought in new in 71 and rode it across canada to BC. Things changed and he parked it undercover for about 18 years with only and few updates like tires. When i turned 17 and graduated he sold it to me for 500$. I have had the bike running with my brother ever since 97. I love it but it´s getting old and at this stage in my life i can´t afford to give it the love to keep it healthly. I have had interested buyers but truth be told i have no idea what a bike like this is worth. roughly described as low mileage (26,000) great paint, replaced mufflers. still runs but needs a tune up . saddle bags. orginal tools, manuals and even bmw rag. I would sure appreciate some feed back on the bikes everone has and the worth of the bike.