I bought a honda Magna after months of deliberation of whether I should buy a cruiser or crotch-rocket. I thought the Kaw 600 would be a great sport bike. I actually bought the Magna without ever test driving Any bike. Insurance prices was the first key to steer me to my choice of the Magna. Then I thought,,, why pay for a 600cc air cooled engine, with plastic all around it, when I could have a 750cc water cooled engine with lots of chrome to glissen in the sun. I´m still purchasing accessories to customize my cruiser to my taste. I ride with other cruisers and sport bikes, and I am pleased with the performance my V-4 produces. I can smoke the rear tires, and YES, even do wheelies (OK, they are small wheelies, but that is why the insurance isn´t that of Evil Conevil). I can ride it all day, without having the numbness in the arms and wrists that my sportbiker friends experience. I have swapped bikes in the middle of long journeys, and almost come to blows about getting my bike back from the sport bike rider I had loaned it to. Overall, I am extremely happy with my choice of motorcycles. I throw on my saddlebags and windshield for long trips, or strip down for a short, local cruise. It´s fast, it´s nice looking, and it is going to get a custom paint job this winter!