I have owned my T-Bird for 18 months now and have been very happy with the performance and handling of this bike but it has not been problem free. The first issue I had was within a month of purchasing the bike, it would constantly stall after the bike was warmed up and had to be restarted after a short stop, and this was resolved by a computer download. The next issue was at about three months when my drive belt started to make a chirping sound which eventually turned into a constant squealing noise, which drove me crazy while riding. This issue was resolved after much investigation, at first they could not locate the source of the noise, it was corrected by adjusting the belt tension lower than the Triumph specs called for. After driving the bike about 8,500 miles I was told that I need new rear brake pad and both a front and rear tires at a cost to me of about $705.00 dollars. After replacing the tires the squealing started again coming from the drive belt, after the dealer tried adjusting the belt a number of times they could not get rid of the squeal. Triumph has agreed to replace the drive belt ($500 + $200 installation if I had to pay for it). On my ride home after getting the tires and brakes done I noticed my front end shimmying, I turned around and drove back to the dealer, they took it out for a test ride and agreed that the front end was shimmying. They thought it might be loose bearings in the steering column/forks; the bike was fine when I took it to the dealer? They said they would take care of it when I bring the bike back for the drive belt replacement. In the last year I have spent well over $1200 dollars on repairs and maintenance to this bike not covered by warranty. At this point I have lost all confidence in this bike and I am not sure that I will keep it after this last set of problems is resolved; I also think the bike is a money pit cost to operate not including gas has probably been around $75 a month since I have owned it. My two year warranty expires in the spring of 2013 after which time I will have to pay to get all repair work done to the bike.