I am back in my (over)enthusiasm for this amazing site for the Norton fraternity, or so I gratefully think here in Pakistan.There are maybe 4 Norton 850´s in this country and only two on road (the other guy also lives close by)and mine happens to be the best in its pristine original glory plus extra fittings. I will try to send a photo soon. There are still many British bikes here inspite of container loads being shipped to your country for the very high price there. I wish I could stop this. I can keep you guys posted of the Brit bike things here, if desired. I have a little group of Brit bike owners and enthusists and go out riding together but lessor thesedays.I may write often and not become a nuisance in my over enthusism. Write to me and I will respond with fun and quality material each time. Happy riding and best of luck. Nasir Khan. Pakistan.