Hi All the Name in Dustin(Tacker) Im in the great cold north Minnesota. I gist picked up a 78 750xs and im doing the work to get it on the road after the guy befor me let it sit for 6 years. Yes I have cleaned to carbs and ordered new intake boots and pepcock rebuild kits,done the standard toon-up also. While checking for spark I noted that the motor moves while kiking it over so I put the bike up and looked for broken mounts, now here is my question Is this thing rubber mounted becouse it looks it. Then if it is how much movement do they have "i.e." how do I know when I have to pull the motor out and replace them. No as you can tell I dont know much about the trips yet and I am looking for a shop book but I will lurn P.S this bike has 18K on the clock and it was broke-in right so I hape to ride her for a good long time. gist please some one tell me about the mounts. Thanks for your time See you all in the wind