FINALLY I´m on the road and grinning! Arkansas caused mine to sit. My carbs have been done about 4 times since and has taken 8 additional years to get back on the road. It was well worth the effort! It still screams! This last guy rebuilt them 2 years ago, and it wasn´t right. After sitting, he reworked it and found some sticky sliders and a poor vacum line. Tanks can corrode, petcocks collect gunk, petcock seals go bad, vacum lines leak. It´s work finding. 1 more conflict, my former race support mechanic worried about the carb sync, this racer/mechanic indicated that Yamaha ICHS were difficult to sync and ICHS should balance out and take care of it. ICHS may also share induction on 2 of the 4. The vacum lines seem also to pay a unusually very important role. 2 years ago, a leak occured and power was down, so was I. I thought the age was too far past, NOT SO....! This fix took it back to orginal type memories!!! So glad to ride it again and it´s age against others still makes me smile!!!